Does Chocolate Cause Acne

Blog post by Lindsay Mustard, Holistic Nutritionist

We hate to break it to you, especially if you are a dark chocolate lover. If your skin is acting up and you’re experiencing new, or continuous bouts of acne, it might be time to look at your chocolate intake. Most of the chocolates on the market are less like chocolate and more like candy nowadays. The ingredients responsible for causing acne can be boiled down to (no pun intended) four main ingredients; milk, sugar, dairy and hydrogenated oils. 

Dairy specifically can cause acne, due to its hormonally altering capabilities. Milk proteins have been connected to inflammation, which can be identified by its four cardinal symptoms: redness, heat, swelling and pain. A good example of this would be bodybuilders who frequently consume dairy based sources of protein and battle acne as a result of their intake. 

Another key player in the acne inducing team of foods include sugar. When consumed, sugar spikes one’s glycemic index and results in our pancreas having to produce more insulin to shuttle our cells. A food’s `glycemic index”, which is ranked on a scale of 1 to 100, this determines how fast the sugars in the food can be absorbed into your blood. Any food with a glycemic index of over 70 is considered high. These foods include processed foods such as white bread, white rice, white potatoes, packaged cereals, baked goods, and candies! The higher the GI of these foods, the more quickly your blood sugar and insulin levels will spike, leading to an increase in the production of oils in the skin, resulting in your follicles and pores clogging up with sebum. With the inflammatory effects of sugar comes the ideal environment for acne’s bacteria to thrive, resulting in a breakout on one’s body. The easiest way to avoid this whole situation, is to consume Zazubean Chocolate that is sweetened with coconut sugar, a natural sugar that elicits a lower glycemic response, or switch to their Slinky Line that is sugar-free and sweetened with stevia instead! Another handy tip to avoid adult acne, is to choose foods at the lower end of the glycemic index such as whole fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Having a well-rounded diet with plenty of fibre, is the recipe for glowing skin and a healthy body! 

If its not milk or sugar, it's the hydrogenated oils in chocolate that will get the best of your skin. The high saturated fats and processed ingredients can alter hormone and blood sugar levels in the body and result in an acne induced outbreak. 

For the longest time, dark chocolate has always been lumped in with milk and white chocolate and bears the blame for being one of the contributors to acne. When in reality cacao in its raw form has been proven to have no impact on your acne breakouts. Raw cacao is packed with Vitamin A, C, E and zinc and is beneficial for your skin. The problem causing chocolate are the bars that are filled with milk, sugar and artificial and/or processed ingredients that our body doesn’t recognize. Avoid milk or white chocolate, unless it is Zazubean’s Chocolate that is sweetened naturally, as the other bars on the market will lead to inflammation and agitate your acne.

At the end of the day, acne is the result of inflammation within your body. Whether that’s caused simply by dietary choices, one’s lifestyle, environmental effects or simply genetics, only you will know that. Chocolate can cause acne, especially if you are eating the wrong kind. Skip the sugar, milk and oils and jump to the good stuff - high quality, sugar-free dark chocolate from Zazubean. Keep a food journal and take note of the other foods in your diet that could be playing a role in creating an environment for acne to thrive.