5 Ways Dark Chocolate Can Improve Your Mental Health

Blog post by Katerina Eleftheriou

It’s no secret that many of us struggle with our mental health, especially in moments of social and environmental uncertainty. Whether you suffer from anxiety, depression, or any other disorder, the effects can be debilitating and can make it that much harder to enjoy your daily life. While everyone is different and requires different methods of support and maintenance, there have been studies done regarding the positive effects of something as simple as chocolate on mental well-being. Yes, chocolate!

The delicious treat found in many grocery stores and on a variety of your favourite desserts might be the ultimate form of self-care you didn’t know you were missing. Dark chocolate in particular has been studied and linked to a variety of health benefits, both mental and physical. If you’re a chocolate lover and needed just one more excuse to indulge in your favourite treat, below are a few ways that dark chocolate can help to improve your mental health. 

Dark chocolate has been linked to lower rates of depression

Dark chocolate has been shown to contain neurochemicals, such as serotonin, that have a psychoactive and euphoric effect on the mind. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation and cognitive function, so it’s no surprise that chocolate can immediately boost your mood on a bad day. Studies have shown that those who eat dark chocolate have significantly decreased chances of developing depressive episodes. Furthermore, dark chocolate contains antioxidants which helps reduce inflammation, commonly linked to depression. 

Dark chocolate can help your memory and cognitive function

Studies throughout the years have shown a significant link between dark chocolate and improved cognitive function. This is due to flavanols. These mood-enhancing nutrients help protect the brain and keep it functioning later on in life. Results show immediate improvement in memory and cognition after eating chocolate as well as long-term memory capabilities, improved brain blood flow and oxygen levels, and improved nerve function. 

Dark chocolate may help relieve feelings of anxiety and irritability 

There’s a reason why so many of us reach for rich chocolate in moments of stress, depression, and even PMS. The fatty acid N-acylethanolamines found in dark chocolate provides euphoric effects, helping to relieve negative moods. The next time you find yourself craving chocolate it might be a good idea to consider any deeper causes of your bad mental health.

Dark chocolate has been linked to healthy skin

A big reason why many people find themselves struggling with their mental health is because of their external appearance. While not all physical attributes can be easily changed, improved skin can have a positive effect on mood, especially if it’s something you’ve struggled with for a while. 

A common misconception is that chocolate causes acne, however studies have shown that dark chocolate is linked to healthier skin because of its flavanols and antioxidants that fight inflammation, which is often the cause for irritated and acne-prone skin. Enjoying some dark chocolate every day could be an easy way to brighten your complexion as well as your mood!

Dark chocolate may help reduce habits of overeating 

Another common misconception about chocolate is that it will lead to overindulgence and poor self-image. Not feeling or looking your best can have incredibly negative effects on hour overall mental health, so it’s understandable why many might steer clear of chocolate for that reason. 

However, it has been shown that insulin resistance can be reduced due to the flavonoids in dark chocolate. This means no more spikes in blood sugar levels that often lead to overeating and the negative self-image associated with overindulgence. Gaining control over your eating habits and working toward a healthier lifestyle is just another of the many great reasons to incorporate dark chocolate into your daily routine.  

If you want to test out the effects of delicious dark chocolate on your mood and your taste buds, then try a variety of Zazubean’s dark chocolates today. They are vegan, Fair-trade, gluten-free, soy-free and organic so that you don’t have to compromise sustainability for the delicious flavour!