Sugar-Free Chocolate and Libido

Blog post by Lindsay Mustard, Holistic Nutritionist

Ever wonder why chocolate is dished up on Valentine’s Day? Or is gifted by our partner on special occasions? Dark chocolate, better yet, Zazubean’s sugar free 85% Dark Chocolate contains amino acids and superfood ingredients that can boost your energy levels, libido and mood, all whilst lowering your levels of anxiety and stress. In today’s blog post, we are sharing the powerful properties that sugar-free dark chocolate has to offer for your sex life and the best kinds of keto, fair-trade and organic sugar-free dark chocolate that you can use to your sexy advantage today!

Sugar-free chocolate and sex go together like peanut butter and jam. If you are not already mixing the two, you will be after reading today’s blog post! Have you ever experienced a case of “the sex slumps?” A week or maybe a month will go by and you just don’t feel like doing it. You don’t care to have sex, to send text messages that are of the teasing nature - you just want to watch a movie, read a book or go to bed without doing the deed. It's natural and it happens! But there are times when you want to get out of your sex funk and get things rolling once again. Well, this blog post is designed to make you fall in love with sugar-free dark chocolate all over again. Not only will you reap the mental and emotional benefits of sugar-free chocolate, you will reap the physical as well as you’ll be ready to jump back into bed in no time!

So how will sugar-free chocolate lead me to wanting more sex? That’s simple. Dark chocolate, or cacao, is linked to a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is a key hormone that helps to stabilize our mood, regulate feelings of well-being and overall levels of happiness. Serotonin helps to boost our mood, putting us in the mental state to want to have sex! Sugar-free dark chocolate is one food that contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor for serotonin. So, the more chocolate we eat, the better our mood is and the happier we feel! Cacao, or dark chocolate is also responsible for the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps to regulate our emotional responses and behaviour such as our levels of trust, empathy, ability to bond with others, recall positive memories and general feelings of positivity. When we have sex, our oxytocin levels increase and leads to the creation of a behaviour loop. The more time that we spend with our partner, the more oxytocin we produce and the more we desire them. In layman’s terms, eat chocolate to put you in the mood to have sex, do the deed and then you will crave spending more time with your partner. Repeat as needed! 

We mentioned tryptophan before, but it is worth bringing up a second time as it plays a second role within our bodies. Tryptophan is involved in arousal and the release of phenylethylamine. Scientists have found that phenylethylamine, or PEA, is a neurotransmitter chemical that causes you to fall madly in love with someone. This is one of the reasons why dark chocolate helps to lift your spirits, improve your bonding ability and make you feel euphoric. We might go as far to say that sugar-free dark chocolate can help you fall in love (or back in love!) with your partner!

If all of that wasn’t enough, sugar-free dark chocolate contains an amino acid called L-arginine, which is a powerful sex-enhancer for both men and women. The amino acid helps to increase nitric dioxide, which results in improved blood flow to sexual organs. And well, you know how the rest goes... *insert winking face here!* 

Zazubean Chocolate has formulated the perfect bar to make your date night dreams come true. Introducing the Lunatic bar! Specifically formulated with cacao nibs, maca and mint, this bar is designed to take you from eating dessert at the dinner table to straight to the bedroom! 

Maca, the superfood in this bar, also known as Peruvian Ginseng, is a cruciferous vegetable grown in Peru. It is packed with Vitamin C, B6, iron, copper, potassium and manganese. Maca has also been associated with its powerful ability to reduce anxiety, symptoms of depression and blood pressure levels. In other words, maca has the power to transition you from a state of feeling “AHHHHH” to “ahhhh” *insert sigh here.* This plant has the ability to increase your mood, relieve your anxiety, increase libido and energize you all at the same time.

What other reasons do you need to add this dark chocolate, love-inspiring potion to your grocery list? Actually, scrap that. Head to the stores as soon as possible, this is an urgent need that needs to be fulfilled!