The Benefits of Sugar-Free Dark Chocolate for Athletes

Blog post by Lindsay Mustard, Holistic Nutritionist

For some reason, when we picture the diet of an athlete, we imagine them eating their body weight in broccoli, ground beef, egg whites and bananas. We can hardly fathom them consuming sweets and treats, let alone dark chocolate. This might come as a surprise, but dark chocolate is nutritious, delicious and a beneficial food for everyone, including athletes! In this blog post, we are going to talk about the benefits that consuming low-sugar, keto and kosher chocolate has on athletes and the everyday person who is trying to get into better shape, lose weight or simply live a healthier lifestyle. Grab your grocery shopping list, you’ll likely be adding sugar-free dark chocolate to the list!

The Healing Power of Dark Chocolate

What if we told you that eating sugar-free dark chocolate would help to improve your performance and enhance your recovery between workouts? Would you consume more of it?  Allow us to introduce you to the food that is going to give you the edge in the gym, in the pool, on the neighbourhood sidewalks or on your bike. Dark chocolate is a phytonutrient dense superfood that helps to combat stress, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, curb sugar cravings and support cardiovascular health. Cacao, the main ingredient in dark chocolate that gives it its velvety mouthfeel and rich flavour notes, is rich theobromine. Theobromine has a similar chemical structure to caffeine, so it is a natural stimulant that offers a physical and mental energy boost at a slower and more sustained rate than coffee. It also helps to improve cognitive function due to its stimulatory powers, improving blood flow to the brain which results in greater focus and mental alertness. Theobromine is also a potent anti-inflammatory. Its richness in antioxidants, specifically flavanols, help the body to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation levels. As an athlete, you are constantly creating small micro-tears in your muscles during a heavy workout. A few hours after your workout, your body starts to repair this tissue and the first few signs and symptoms of soreness and the effects of your workout can be felt. Sugar-free dark chocolate has the ability to ease some of the inflammation associated with recovery to reduce pain and stress levels in the body. When we consume dark chocolate, the polyphenols found within our favourite dark chocolate bar containing nitric oxide, helps our blood vessels to dilate and blood to circulate more easily. 

Chocolate, A Nutritional Powerhouse

Before we rave about the nutritional benefits that sugar-free dark chocolate has to offer, let us first clarify that in order to be dark chocolate, it must contain over 50 percent cocoa (However for maximum health benefits stick with dark chocolate over 70% cocoa content). Now that we are talking about the same bar (it’s okay if you stopped eating your milk chocolate bar!). Let's talk about the nutrient density of sugar-free dark chocolate. If you’re looking for a healthy source of fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and copper - look no further, you’ve found your superfood! Potassium is an electrolyte found within the body that serves to regulate the function of muscles and nerves. When we exercise for long periods of time or in the heat, our body loses potassium and sodium through sweat and perspiration. Electrolyte imbalance can cause dehydration, lightheadedness, fatigue, muscle cramps and spasms… without it, you’ll likely be curled up in a ball feeling all shades of sore. Magnesium on the other hand, is an important mineral that boosts our energy metabolism and aids in the recovery process. Without it, or when we are depleted of it, athletes can experience fatigue, muscle spasms, weakness and numbness. When we lose magnesium and potassium through sweat and urine, it is crucial to replenish our stores. Now we’re not saying to run off and consume four chocolate bars in one day, but we will recommend incorporating small amounts of the antioxidant rich, magnesium and potassium-containing, sugar-free dark chocolate to help you go from feeling sore, to feeling like your superhero self! 

Dark Chocolate and Its Mental Edge

Working out is only half of the battle. The other half is the mental battle associated with exercise. There will be days that we don’t feel like exercising. Where we prefer to lay on our couch eating ice cream or staying in bed for an extra hour of sleep. As much as we wish sugar-free dark chocolate could give you the power to get up and jump into a workout at any time of the day, that comes down to discipline. But what it will give you is the mental edge that comes with improved blood flow leading to greater levels of alertness, improved memory, concentration and focus. What does this mean for you? When you do get into the groove of your workout, you will have the upper hand on your mind. Think back to the last time you wanted to quit your workout halfway through. Maybe you did, and that’s okay, but what if you push yourself to run twice the distance, to swim at a faster pace or to move heavier weights. What if all along it has been a mindset issue, not a strength issue stopping you from hitting personal records at the gym. Have you ever regretted a workout that you finished where you thought you thought you would have to drop out of at the halfway mark? You feel like a million bucks afterwards because you feel proud of yourself and your efforts. What if every workout could feel like that? Combine the benefits that sugar-free, antioxidant rich and nutrient dense dark chocolate has to offer, and you have a superfood that can replenish your potassium and magnesium stores, shorten recovery time, improve blood flow, focus and concentration. It sounds like a magic pill to help you improve your athletic performance, when in reality, it is a natural superfood at your disposal whenever you choose to reap the benefits it has to offer. 

Incorporating Dark Chocolate Into Your Diet

You’ve read the article, your mouth has started to water and you are itching to incorporate dark chocolate into your diet - but what is the best way to do so? Like your parents likely say, a little goes a far way. As few as a couple squares of sugar-free, keto dark chocolate goes a long way when it comes to reaping the rewards that it has to offer. Start by adding a square into your morning smoothie, baking it into your paleo banana muffins, eating a square or two after lunch or dipping some fruit in it after your workout. The ways are endless - did we mention you can add a square to your morning coffee? No? Well now you know! 

Whether you’re an athlete or an everyday exercise enthusiast looking to improve your health, you deserve to indulge in the taste of keto chocolate and the plethora of health benefits it has to offer. Head to your nearest grocery or health store or to Zazubean’s website to stock up on the healthiest keto, kosher, vegan and sugar-free dark chocolate on the market. Eat the best, feel your best and perform your best. That’s the goal!